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We've Got You

Are you insured?

Before you leave home, be sure you prepare for the unexpected by purchasing travel insurance.


Did you know that government health plans may only cover a limited amount of emergency medical expenses outside of Canada? As a result, a medical emergency while travelling can get quite costly. But there is a solution!

If anything were to happen to you during a trip, Manulife World Travel Insurance can help you mobilize the people and services you may require from the moment you call the emergency assistance line.


It can help in many ways, from providing you with doctor and hospital information, to even flying your family to you, if need be. Also, your travel insurer wants to help ensure that you have minimal out-of-pocket expenses and can try to directly bill the medical provider in your vacation destination, whenever possible.

Purchasing affordable, reliable Manulife World Travel Insurance can help you focus on making memories, rather than worrying about potential medical expenses. Please contact your Travel Quest for more details.

40 Saskatchewan Ave. East, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N0L2       204.857.5547     Toll Free  800.509.3311
Travel Quest        Phone:  204.857.5547    Toll Free:  800.509.3311
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